Lessons from Exploration


Marc Cappelletti Marc Cappelletti

How to Keep Your Business From Going Down Like a Failed Expedition

In 1845, Sir John Franklin led two ships, the HMS Erebus and the HMS Terror, into the icy embrace of the Arctic, seeking the Northwest Passage. This expedition, fraught with ambition and hope, ended in tragedy — none of the 129 men aboard returned. But while The Franklin Expedition remains one of history's most poignant lessons in preparation, leadership, and humility—it is FAR from the only one.

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Marc Cappelletti Marc Cappelletti

How to Blow Past Setbacks (Like Oceanographic Cartographer Marie Tharp)

How hard was it to map the ocean floor? You think of all the variables, the sheer amount of information, and you think, well, it had to be pretty hard. Now imagine that it was a woman, Marie Tharp, who did it, and was met with so many barriers that even the best radar couldn’t penetrate. Still, she persisted

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Discomfort, Fear Marc Cappelletti Discomfort, Fear Marc Cappelletti

Embrace Discomfort And Reach Your Destination

No pain, no gain. A phrase that has been played out to oblivion. But here’s the truth: stepping out of your comfort zone—physically and mentally—is the pathway to growth. Yes, it’s painful. Yes, it can straight up suck. Explorers understand that well. Still, they learn to use discomfort like a compass that leads them to their destination. And you can too.

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Marc Cappelletti Marc Cappelletti

Long Term Success: The Power of Thinking PAST Your Goals

There’s a simple reason explorers think past a typical person when considering their goals: the pinnacle achievement often comes in the middle of the journey. Here’s how thinking like an explorer can propel us farther than ever before.

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